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  巴塘君道宾馆位于甘孜州西部的巴塘县城中心,这里静谧秀美,素有“高原江南、弦子之乡”之美称,神秘莫测的神山圣湖——措拉湖也坐落于此。宾馆紧邻国道318线,与西藏地段为邻,去往西藏的必经之路。   宾馆占地 3500 平方米,拥有68间温馨客房,可同时容纳140人入住。客房时尚、雅致,内设24小时热水,无线网络覆盖。   同时,店内配设餐厅、超市、茶坊等配套设施,更有关怀备至的服务让您忘却旅途的劳顿,感受宾至如归的温馨体验。

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巴士把我们载到了一号露营地点,就在酒店前面。我看到长长的阶梯,上面满是苔藓。我觉得好吧,只是苔藓而已。然后我们爬上台阶来到接待处。这里黑漆漆一片,有发霉的味道,看上去像是一片荒地。就像是恐怖电影的一出场景一样。我对自己说,好吧,接待处并不重要,有关系的是房间。然后爬了无数台阶来到我们的房间---其中一些台阶是露天的,正在下雨我们全身都弄湿了。当我们来到房间发现里面家具很少而且床很硬。最糟糕的是,竟然没有供暖系统!!虽然是夏天房间内冷的要死!(警告,我住在赤道区域,可能对我来说并交冷的环境对那些住在温带地区的人来说并不算冷。酒店员工都穿着非常薄的夹克。)厕所里只有一盏灯,沐浴的时候里面很昏暗感觉毛骨悚然。当我们来到楼下的温泉,发现这里很是需要维修一下了。接待处根本就没有什么客人--员工都躲在接待处附近的一个关闭的屋子里,如果你需要什么东西需要敲门找他们索要。员工也不会帮你提行李。厕所里和酒店房间内有蜘蛛网,可能在酒店周围就有粪便--我们在去往温泉的路上就看到了两块。电视画面不清晰,厕所内的通风设施噪音很大。 酒店的优点:早餐比较不错,前提是你喜欢中餐。没有选择,服务员给你送上的都是当天既定的食物--我们得到的是没人一碗面条。淋浴热水充足,水流虽然不是很棒但是还不错。毛巾比较干净。房间也还过得去--没有老鼠或其他害虫之类的生物,除了有一两只蜘蛛之外,或许还有死蛾子之类的。非常基础的酒店--我觉得与其说是酒店倒不如说是旅舍。我在日本入住过的旅舍都比这家酒店好(而且价格更便宜)。 注意:这里的员工不会讲英语!他们只讲汉语! 我把这个情况告知了国际游客--远离海螺沟雪域温泉假日酒店。这家酒店很差,这个地方的其他酒店看上去一样糟糕!在去往冰川的路上我们路过了其他酒店,看上去都很破旧!当地的游客对于这种酒店似乎习以为常--我偶然听到他们说这家酒店很不错--但是我觉得这不是国际游客所认识的一般酒店的样式。


2018-12-17 19:23:52






2017-02-25 19:37:37




所有的条件都非常好 唯一不足的就是晚上房间内有飞蛾出现。。还有就是从一间房间到另外一间房间走的路比较长 温泉很不错 非常喜欢


2017-02-08 16:15:42




The bus dropped us off at the No. 1 Camp drop-off point, which is right in front of this hotel. I saw a long flight of stairs, and tons of moss on them. I thought, OK, it's just moss. Then we got up the stairs and went into the reception area. All was dark, it smelt musty, and looked deserted. It looked like a set for a horror film. I thought to myself, OK, the reception isn't important, it's the rooms that matter. We were then shown up many flights of stairs to our room - some of them not covered. It was raining, and we got wet. When we got to the room, it was very sparsely furnished, and the beds were hard. Worst of all, there was no heater!! It was freezing in the room even though it was summer! (A caveat, though, I live on the equator and what's cold to me might not be cold to those living in temperate areas. The hotel staff members were all wearing fairly thick jackets however.) The toilet is lit by only one light, which makes it rather creepy and dark to shower in. When we went down to the hot springs, it looked rather ill-maintained. There doesn't seem to be any one at the reception generally either - they all huddle in a small closed room next to the reception and you have to knock on that door if you want anything. The staff also do not offer you help with your luggage. There are spiderwebs in the toilet and the hotel rooms, and there might be dung lying around the hotel area - we encountered two lumps on our way to the hot spring. The TV is very grainy, and the toilet ventilator is incredibly noisy. What's good about the hotel: The breakfast is decent, if you like Chinese food. There is no choice, the person in charge serves you whatever's on hand for the day - for us, a bowl of noodles each. The showers don't run out of hot water, and the water flow is not great but it's alright. The towels are clean. The rooms are alright as well - no mice or other vermin, except maybe a spider or two, and dead moths about. A very basic sort of hotel - I would say this is more of a hostel than a hotel per se. The hostels I stayed in in Japan inspired much more confidence than this hotel (and were cheaper to boot). A word of caution: The staff here DO NOT speak English! They only speak Chinese! I write this for the international traveller - stay away from Hailuogou generally. This hotel was bad, but all the other hotels in this region seem equally bad! We stopped by those hotels on the way up to the glacier, and they all seem pretty run down! The local tourists seem OK with this sort of standard - I overheard them saying that this hotel was pretty good - but I would think this isn't what the average international traveller is used to.


2017-01-22 12:57:49






2017-01-01 21:21:04