




通用设施:免费停车场 免费旅游交通图(可赠送) 有可无线上网的公共区域免费 大堂免费报纸 中餐厅 西餐厅 咖啡厅 前台贵重物品保险柜 大堂吧 电梯 普通分体空调 公共音响系统 非经营性客人休息区 无烟楼层 行政楼层 多媒体演示系统 公共区域闭路电视监控系统


服务项目:商务中心 旅游票务服务 送餐服务 叫车服务 邮政服务 专职行李员 行李寄存 叫醒服务 接机服务 租车服务 礼宾服务 办理私人登记入住/退房手续 婚宴服务 24小时前台服务 快速办理入住/退房手续 代客泊车 信用卡结算服务 一次性账单结算服务 24小时大堂经理 接站服务

客房设施:免费洗漱用品(6样以上) 免费瓶装水 免费国内长途电话 客房WIFI覆盖免费 国际长途电话 拖鞋 书桌 浴室化妆放大镜 24小时热水 电热水壶 迷你吧 小冰箱 浴衣 多种规格电源插座 浴缸 独立淋浴间 吹风机 房内保险箱 普通分体空调 有线频道 卫星频道 液晶电视机 衣柜/衣橱 闹钟 针线包 220V电压插座 遮光窗帘 手动窗帘 备用床具 床具:鸭绒被 欢迎礼品 浴室 洗浴间电话 沙发 开夜床 电子秤 房间内高速上网 电话 淋浴


  日喀则藏隆大酒店地处后藏日喀则繁华闹市中心,相邻上海广场、中国邮政、中国海关 、大型超市、市客运站、中国人民银行,交通便利、购物方便、环境舒适优雅。各项娱乐设施齐全,是会议、办公、商务、旅游、度假的理想之地,酒店客房包括标藏式标准间、豪华藏式标准间、豪华藏式单人间、藏式商务套房、藏式豪华套房、藏式超豪华套房,能满足宾客的各种需求。客房内有数字电视、中央空调、国内、国际直拨电话、小型酒吧以及电冰箱、保险柜、自动烟感消防系统,并可连接Internet国际互联网络。   日喀则藏隆大酒店是世界上海拔最高唯一一家全面反映后藏文化内涵的旅游商务酒店,拥有各类客房,采用藏式装修风格,民族花纹手工雕刻,别具一格的藏式家具,生动反映出后藏文化丰富多彩,室内设施设备高档先进齐全,24小时为您提供冷热水及冲浪淋浴和冷暖适度的衡温空调。此外,藏式风格的茶楼,各类大、中、小型会议,酒店拥有商务中心,能为您提供外币兑换、商务、订票、电脑网络等综合服务。具有民族风情调的咖啡厅与西餐厅,高贵、典雅,使您感到无比的尊贵,得到身心的享受。酒店中西餐厅可供宾客提供鲁、粤、川、尼泊尔、藏餐等各式菜系和名吃佳肴。

房型 床型 早餐 宽带 日均价格 前台付款
酒店点评 更多




For what appeared to be the only hotel in the town, this hotel does a perfectly good job, and seems to cater well for the the number of tour groups going through it. It would appear to exist solely for the purposes of the traffic through to Base Camp and has adapted to suit. There is a small clothing shop inside and outside the hotel as well as a tea shop (a bonus for a place in the middle of nowhere........). The rooms were perfectly functional and the dining room catered well for the volume of people going through - the food was good, plentiful. The bar was quirky - it was cheaper to buy a litre bottle of Baileys (they didn't appear to sell it by the glass) than to buy one of the miniatures. The internet was down, but at least they are trying to cater for their market, which is mainly European/Australian/American. Really have no major problems with this one.


2017-06-29 18:23:28




The city is not nice. There one 3 or 4 "hotels" - this is the 'nicest'. This place is not nice but its bearable for a nite or 2 to the intrepid traveler. Only reason to go thru this town is to reach Mount Everest and that may require a nite's stay. Anywhere you stay will be fairly crappy but this is the least painful. High maintenance travelers beware - this is for adventurous folks... Lonely Planet crowd will be more than fine here but Fodder's folks will be hurtin.


2017-02-03 09:03:35




Tibet Dingri Zhufeng Hotel-1.5 star hotel. Room and bathroom are dimly lit with bedding etc. consistent with star rating. In other words, don't expect much. The room has no closet and the toilet flush did not work for our room. However, there is a pail for manual flush. Hot water and electricity are not reliable. However, the luke warm shower in the morning was appreciated. In cases of loss of power, there are a few candles and a matchbox for your use. This was the first hotel wherein the silk cocoons we bought were put to use. My wife used the 6 hour instant heat packs as there was no heat provided. Mountain House freeze dried food was planned for dinner but the room service (you have to order and pay at the hotel restaurant) of chicken in spicy sauce, fried spinach and chicken fried rice hit the spot for us--whew!!. You will appreciate the thermos of hot water provided. I did not fully appreciate this service (even when we were in Mainland China last year) until this trip. The hotel has a bar/internet area but I did not see anyone using the facility. I saw some Jack Daniels, Budweiser and some local alcohol beverages on the shelf. Here is picture link of the hotel: http://www.tibettravel.org/tibettravel/Html/20063210136-1.Html


2017-01-29 21:51:50




1996年暑假青藏高原之旅,由日喀則出發,經薩迦到定日住在這一間西藏定日珠峰賓館,趕了整天車,晚上才到,好像在沙漢中到達一個綠洲。那晚在賓館餐廳吃的晚飯(好像有一碟揚州炒飯)簡直美味無窮,晚上望上天空,有無盡繁星,令人目眩神迷,一生都不會忘記。 賓館住了很多想上珠峰的登山人士,西人較多,想叫司機開車上珠峰登山基地(絨布寺),司機不肯,說上去四驅車肯定報銷了,留下一點遺憾。


2017-01-27 09:37:25






2017-01-25 15:59:25