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服务项目:行李寄存 叫醒服务 传真/复印 24小时前台服务 信用卡结算服务 24小时大堂经理 商务服务

客房设施:免费瓶装水 免费洗漱用品(6样以内) 客房WIFI覆盖免费 拖鞋 书桌 24小时热水 电热水壶 多种规格电源插座 独立淋浴间 吹风机 普通分体空调 有线频道 液晶电视机 电视机 220V电压插座 遮光窗帘 手动窗帘 床具:鸭绒被 床具:毯子或被子 房间内高速上网 电话


  本酒店坐落在万年最繁华的街道(六0大道),酒店周边商业设施齐备,银行.酒吧.网咖.和KTV。离火车站只有800米左右,步行5分钟即可到达本店,酒店对面就是万年县第二中学学校,是文化交流之地,可以享受文化的熏陶,1. 酒店附设免费停车场,解除自驾客人的后顾之忧。2. 无线WIFI全面覆盖服务,客房均配有洁净的封包浴巾.独立吹风机.10秒速热淋浴 ,.5星级雅兰护脊床垫和冷暖空调等。3. 万年县是中国最美的旅游圣地之一,神农源景区荟萃了大自然的五美---形态美.动态美.色彩美.声音美和朦胧美,具有新奇灵秀幽险6特点,由世界稻作文化发源地. 仙人洞和神农宫等组成,都是您神往旅游圣地,我们会用热情的服务为你旅途增加一抹暖色,上饶万年7天连锁酒店全体员工期待您光临。

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我19日到达哈巴雪山国际青年旅舍,本来不打算住国青的,但考虑到有国青的会员卡就选择了在哈巴国青住。问何医生(旅舍老板)床位多少钱一天,他说:30一天,我再问有国青会员卡不是便宜5元的吗?他道:没有会员卡是35.我半信半疑的信了他。我就在私下问其他住宿的人是多少钱一天,人家说是30。之后我就跟何医生说要借他的电脑下网,我上了国青的网站上查哈巴国青的房价。一查,非会员是30,会员是25.我就打电弧回总部投诉,之后总部给客栈打了电话。客栈的老板何医生才以25一天给我算房价。 本来5元是没什么事,但经营要道德。所以我在这公布他的不道德行为。


2017-02-21 11:52:03




With guides, we hiked with legs and horses from Walnut Grove (end of Tiger Leaping Gorge) to Haba. I guess the guides were told to drop us off at Haba Snow Mountain Inn. Being that Haba is a tiny little village, I am not sure there were any other options to sleep! Our room was pretty dirty. There were insects smeared onto the walls. There was hair and tissues on the floor of the bathroom. I did see sheets hung up in the courtyard so I hope they were at clean!! The light was very dim - I had to read with my headlight! On the positive side, the shower was very hot. The owner was a very nice, loud lady who was pretty motherly. (I do not know if she speaks English - we were able to converse with my basic Mandarin.) She cooked us a yummy meal and when heard that we were not feeling well, she offered to get us medicine. She gladly set up a minibus ride to Baishuitai and gave us a wake-up knock the next morning. After we were on the minibus, I overheard her telling the driver to give her a call as soon as we were dropped off safely. She really made this inn more bearable. I just wished she had cleaned the room! The hike from Walnut Grove to Haba was scenic and spectacular. It's a pity that the inn at the end of the road was anything but.


2017-01-11 11:52:00