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活动设施:KTV 棋牌室 桌球室 乒乓球室 茶室

服务项目:会议厅 旅游票务服务 叫车服务 邮政服务 叫醒服务 接机服务 租车服务 24小时前台服务 一次性账单结算服务 部分时段大堂经理 接站服务

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  北戴河老年生态颐养中心位于全国首家高科技农业旅游4A级景区——北戴河集发生态农业观光园内,这里开创了全国农业旅游的先河,形成了吃、住、娱、游、购、玩、科普、展示等为一体的观光乐园,每年接待中外游客100多万人次,综合收入7,000多万元。   北戴河老年生态颐养中心距风景秀丽的旅游避暑胜地北戴河海滨5公里,北戴河火车站、205国道3公里,京沈高速出口0.5公里,入住北戴河生态颐养中心可游玩价值30元/人的北戴河集发生态农业观光园。这里蓝天、碧水、金沙,负离子含量每立方厘米含量高达10,000多个,是世界知名的旅游避暑胜地和世界上人类最适宜居住的城市之一。   北戴河老年生态颐养中心诚挚欢迎四方宾朋莅临下榻!

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这家酒店里外都很寒酸。我们房间的地毯真是脏透了,浴室里也有好多地方都发了霉。 这儿的位置更是差得要命——处在前不着村后不着店的地方,离北戴河中心区大概有4英里。我是通过网络订到这家酒店的,因为说它离海滩很近,实际上这里的海滩很脏,海草混合着泥沙和垃圾散落在各处,离海滩四分之一英里远的地方你就可以看到这些脏东西了。酒店的某些宣传照片明显是被PS过了,因为照片上可以看到海浪几乎可以拍打到宾馆前门了。除非这里发大水,否则肯定不可能的。 我们2006年10月住在这里时,酒店还没到一半的住宿率,所以它声称的酒店里的一些设施实际上就没开放。楼内本来应该开放的地方的灯都是关着的,我们试图进去看一下时服务员就出来说“现在不提供服务”。酒店口口声声说从每天早上9点一直到夜里都开着的酒吧也一直是锁着的,门把手用一个自行车锁锁着。这实在是很不方便,因为最近的酒吧也要几英里外。另外要想打车去北戴河中心区你得冒着被宰的风险。有一个司机就跟我们要了多于正常价格3倍的价钱,我们跟他理论时他就更得寸进尺了。有一天晚上我们成功的说服了酒店的服务员在晚上8点时为我们把酒吧的门打开,但是只到了9点半他们就说该打烊了让我们走。 我觉得酒店名字里的“国际”二字真是误导人。酒店里没人说英语,除了前台的服务员会说几句“你订房了么”之类的,除此之外,如果你不会说中文的话真是没法和他们交流。一天晚上我在餐厅用中文点餐时,你可以清清楚楚的听到房间另一边的男女服务员在模仿我的英文口音,而且我一有发音不好的词时他们就大笑不止。 如果你来北戴河旅游的话,我推荐你住在城中心的酒店。北戴河这个城市本身还是挺美的。市中心的海滩有很好很柔软的沙子,到处都是卖贝壳和贝壳项链的当地人。在北戴河住宿的理想的天数是1到2天(不过不是指要住在这家酒店一两天!)


2017-03-02 06:00:53




位置很好 出门就是海边 就隔一条马路。。早餐很丰盛 还有篮球场 室内还有可以玩牌打桌球的地方 屋里还有冰箱 房间也不错


2017-02-27 18:07:37




The hotel is very shabby inside and out. The carpet in our room was absolutely filthy and there was lots of mould in the shower. The location is terrible - in the middle of nowhere about 4 miles out of Beidaihe town centre. I picked the hotel on over the internet because it's next to the beach, but the beach here is actually quite nasty with muddy sand covered in seaweed and litter which goes out about quarter of as mile before you get to the sea. Some of the hotel's publicity photos appear to have been doctored, and show the sea lapping almost right up to the front door of the hotel. This would be completely impossible apart from during a severe flooding situation. When we stayed here in October 2006, the hotel was less than half full, and most of the facilities the hotel claims to offer were unavailable. The lights were off in the parts of the building where the facilities were supposed to be, and when we tried to get to them, hotel staff would appear and just say "guanmen" (closed). The bar which the hotel claims is open every day from 9am till midnight was permanently locked with a bicycle chain across the door handles. This is really inconvenient as the nearest places to get a drink are miles away. To get into Beidaihe town centre by cab you have to run the risk of being masssively overcharged. One taxi driver demanded 3 times the normal fare from us and when we argued he became quite aggressive. One night during our stay we managed to persuade the hotel staff to open the bar especially for us at about 8 in the evening, but by 9:30 they wanted to finish work and we had to go. I think the word "international" in the hotel's name is very misleading. No English is spoken in the hotel, apart from the reception staff who are able to say things like "have you booked a room", but other than that if you can't speak Mandarin you won't be able to communicate with anyone. One evening in the restaurant when I was ordering food in Mandarin, you could clearly hear the waiters and waitresses on the other side of the room mimicking my English accent and laughing every time I pronounced a word badly. If you're going to visit Beidaihe, I would definately recommend finding a hotel in the town centre. The town itself is quite nice. The beaches in the town centre are nice and sandy and full of locals trying to sell you shells and necklaces. The ideal length of stay in the area would be 1 or 2 days (but not at this hotel!!)


2017-02-25 12:26:27




Two previous posters have expressed disappointment with this hotel, and on the whole, I agree with them on many points. The hotel does not live up to its advertisement of having a sea view, and the sea nearby (i.e. across a busy highway) is not the sea that people go to Beidaihe to see, the restaurant is dingy and unappetizing, and I don't think the bar was open at any time during our 3-night stay. The carpets in the room are stained (disgustingly so) and the beds are hard. However, the bathrooms are kept reasonably clean, the bedding is also clean, and slightly worn but clean towels are given every day. It's a 10-15 yuan taxi ride into town, and cabs are quite easy to catch on the main road, so it's not outrageously expensive or inconvenient to get to the touristy part of town. It served our purpose, we didn't run screaming, but we'd try to get somewhere a bit nicer and better located next time.


2017-02-14 14:48:10




我们要是听取Andy在2006年10月的点评就好了!!!我们以为这个地方自2006之后会有所改进,但是,2006年的点评中所说的一切仍然雷打不动地应验了。 保龄球场很酷 - 但是关门了。 不要被那些酒店在海滩上的照片给蒙了!!! 它并不在海滩上! 我对这里唯一的好评是,员工乐于助人。


2017-02-14 08:14:39